2017 Course dates now published!
The Clinical Assessment Crash Course is an online training programme designed to equip recently qualified doctors with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the national Clinical Assessment examination. From the comfort of their own homes, participants from all locations can access our six-day series of interactive webinars, held over one week during the run-up to the national exam dates.
Each session will involve targeted teaching and live Q&A on important topics matching key areas on the Clinical Assessment exam syllabus, together with focused training on exam techniques and generic skills relevant to the health system and medical practice in the UK. Those subscribing to the full Crash Course package will also gain access to an online collection of additional study materials, revision aides and links to useful instructional videos.
Scroll down to take a look at the full course schedule or view our course packages to book a place today!
Medics qualifying more than two years before the start of the UK Foundation Programme (FP) to which they are applying must pass the Clinical Assessment exam in order to progress to the FP training. For overseas graduates in particular, the clinical assessment forms a key part of the FP application process and is often the deciding factor in whether or not they are able to take up a foundation post.
Applicants required to attend will sit a 16-station OSCE undertaken by the University Hospital of South Manchester, determining their suitability for progression to the Foundation Programme training. The ten minute stations, many of which require dealing with both real and simulated patients, test whether or not the candidate possesses the knowledge and clinical skills of a practicing F1 doctor. In evaluating whether FP aspirants meet GMC standards, the OSCE assesses a selection of key areas covered by our comprehensive and carefully designed Crash Course.
Floreo Associates was founded by a team with over 30 years of shared experience in Further Education, Vocational Training and International Consultancy. The company engages with a wide network of consultants, independent trainers and public institutions to design and deliver bespoke and off-the-shelf vocational training programmes across a variety of disciplines and professional fields.
Floreo’s domestic activities include specialist Medical and Healthcare-related training, most recently partnering with NHS facilities to develop the most comprehensive commercial Phlebotomy Training provision available in the UK. The company also uses a variety of modern eLearning tools to deliver online programmes aimed at an international audience, including an online SJT Training Course and a pioneering model for Virtual OSCE Training.
Our Medicine, Healthcare & Clinical Skills division is directed by Dr. R. Khalil, Senior Consultant in the NHS and Fellow of The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Course Instructor
Dr Roaa Awadalla
Dr Roaa Awadalla is a British-born international medical graduate and UK-based doctor in the NHS. During her academic and professional career to date, she has amassed a uniquely varied experience of diverse clinical settings spanning Africa, the Middle East and the UK.
Roaa has built on her success of completing the PLAB 1, PLAB 2 and Clinical Assessment exams in a single year, using the insights she gained of the skills and techniques required to take up informal teaching of her peers, followed by a number of formal roles as a PLAB 1 and PLAB 2 instructor in class-based courses across the UK. In doing so, she has developed an engaging teaching style which is sensitive to the needs of international medical graduates.
This year, she had teamed up with Floreo Associates to develop the pioneering Clinical Assessment Crash Course, an online programme which she hopes will widen access to this underserved training area to FP aspirants from around the world.
Topics Covered
Taking a thorough, detailed account of what is troubling the patient and identifying the risk factors. A good history is one which reveals the patient’s ideas, concerns and expectations as well as any accompanying diagnosis.
Correctly recognising acute illnesses and devising a plan of management i.e. investigations and treatment. Taking a concise yet precise account of their symptoms, as well as picking up the signs by doing a systemic examination which correlates to their illness.
Taking a history in difficult patients, by obtaining a clear account of their situation and responding appropriately.
Situations in which you will need to convey difficult news to a patient. Giving new information about their condition and how it may have an impact on their lives.
Providing accurate and correct information about the anaesthesia, operation or procedure and post op symptoms or precautions.
Become skilled at performing full examinations on patients with stable chronic disease with step by step guide.
Gain knowledge of practical clinical skills performed for the purpose of making a diagnosis or easing the wellbeing of patients with step-by-step guide.
This includes safe prescribing, dealing with ethical and legal issues, teamwork skills and data interpretation.
Course Schedule
Day 1
Long History & Psychiatry – tackling how to ask detailed questions whilst obtaining specific information to aid in the diagnosis
Day 2
Focused History & Examinations – implementing a patient-centred approach whilst attaining correct diagnostic judgement and management planning
Day 3
Counselling Procedures/Surgeries – giving a thorough explanation of surgeries/procedures in order to acquire an informed consent
Day 4
Breaking Bad News & Miscellaneous – exploring emotions, making assessments and developing teamwork skills
Day 5
Practical Procedures – to carry out and bring into practice the various techniques which are fundamental in day-to-day clinical settings
Day 6
Review & Wrap Up – highlighting important scenarios
Course Packages
Webinar Plan
- £ 300 gbp
- Access to Interactive Webinar Series
Subscription to Online Study Materials
Crash Course Plan
- £ 400 gbp
- Access to Interactive Webinar Series
- Subscription to Online Study Materials
Individual Study Plan
- £ 130 gbp
Access to Interactive Webinar Series- Subscription to Online Study Materials